Tex paints in oil on board. Her work appears in galleries locally in San Francisco and beyond, and was included in the 2020 de Young Museum show “Open”. More of her work can be see at her website bussfineart.com.
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1509 Church Street
San Francisco, CA, 94131
United States
(415) 821-9622
Tex's AUTHENTIC TATTOO is a private, custom tattoo studio located in the Mission district of San Francisco. Tex has been tattooing in San Francisco for over 20 years. She is also a painter. She brings this passion for art as well as her considerable tattooing experience to every project.
Tex paints in oil on board. Her work appears in galleries locally in San Francisco and beyond, and was included in the 2020 de Young Museum show “Open”. More of her work can be see at her website bussfineart.com.